Writing Techniques: Sounds to Write By

When I’m writing, I find that it really helps to have some kind of aural stimulation. Sure, sometimes I need to be in a completely quiet place, but depending on what my current project is, that might be the very last thing I need.
I’ve mentioned music before, and I think most writers agree that music without lyrics or at least in a foreign language is often preferable – you’re not distracted by the tune of a song that will make you want to sing-a-long.

Beyond music however – sometimes an easily tuned out background noise is needed. The sound of the hustle and bustle in a coffee shop – a typewriter that acknowledges every character that you type. It is all a matter of learning what your mind needs to slip into whatever creative zone works for you.
I’ve found, when writing fiction, it helps to have background noise that matches the feel of the scene that is being written. In these cases I tend to look to nature for the sounds I need.

When writing about loneliness, the exhaustion during a long journey – perhaps the sound of wind blowing across an empty plain.
A battle, confrontation or desperation – the mighty roar of a thunderstorm.
A conclusion, contentment, romance – the lull of a gentle spring rain.

For me, I find that the sounds in nature mesh with the subconscious mind and lend an extra degree of focus that I can’t find any other way.
Using such background noise can also help to mask anything that might interrupt the all-too-precious train of thought. These sounds become muffled before they reach your ears and are lost within the auditory sanctuary that has been created.
It might sound a little crazy, but there are few things more frustrating than losing that perfect idea because you were interrupted in the middle of it!
This is just one of the methods that I use to focus, I plan on mentioning the others over the next little while.
All the videos embedded in this post contain sounds that have helped me focus my thoughts – I hope you enjoy!

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