“In ‘Resurrection of Liberty‘ Daniel Foster discovers a family secret that is so shocking, it will affect the future of the entire galaxy. While on an innocent road trip with his two best friends, his grandfather’s old car, almost having a mind of its own, whisks the trio out of the confines of their home planet to a cloaked starship that has remained hidden behind the moon for over fifty years. In trying to return home the three friends plunge deeper into space ultimately meeting the race that had sent his grandfather to Earth on a critical mission a generation before. Yet, to their dismay, they learn that by awakening the old ship they have hastened the peril of their own home. Now, far away from his family, Daniel must accept his destiny and dig deep inside himself to muster the confidence needed to rally his new alien friends to help save Earth—and ultimately the galaxy.”
This ebook is definitely meant for a younger crowd – though the characters are mostly around 16 years, I would think that the ideal reading age is a bit younger. There is a lot of attention to detail, and explanations that I found rather redundant, but for a better opinion you would really have to question someone in the appropriate age group.
It’s not a bad book, and certainly a good one to add to the kindle if youngsters are going to be using it – it also happens to be free to download at the moment, so now is definitely the right time.