Countdown to Ecuador (eeeek!!)

You might think, seeing as how I have chosen to spend the next six months of my life in Ecuador, I would know a great deal about the country. That is not precisely the case. I have heard a number of first hand accounts, as both my parents spent time there last winter – but beyond that my knowledge is rather limited.

via fabulous fabs (flickr)

With my departure date looming I’ve been trying to dedicate some time to researching my destination but I find myself more entranced by the videos of the beaches and photographs of the wildlife and waterfalls than any technical details. It will be interesting to see how much my expectations diverge from reality.

via Tea, Two Sugars (flickr)

I have made the executive decision to pack as little as possible, I don’t want to be dragging around an accompaniment of unnecessary paraphernalia. The first items rejected from my list were beauty products; hair dryers, straighteners and the like. I’ve always been a hint of a diva, no extremes, but I’ve never travelled without ensuring that I have the opportunity to beautify myself when I feel it’s necessary. I think this might be good for me. :P

I’ll be arriving in Quito on the 14th of January; I have a vague idea of what is going to happen after that. Very vague. The plan is to spend the first two months near the ocean. I get the feeling that I’m going to get really good at flying by the seat of my pants. Which… also might be good for me.

If you want to know something in particular about the places I am visiting; just let me know! I’m not at all opposed to taking requests for blog topics. :)

Adiós amigos!

1,360 thoughts on “Countdown to Ecuador (eeeek!!)”

  1. I do expect daily blogs and updates plus any photos in drop box which I hope your Dad will have up and running again! Is that a big enough hint?? LOL…*hugs* made my winter last year…came home every day from work and went first for my daily Ecuador updates…Mark did know when there was none as “your bottom lip is out again”! So to avoid any lip dragging on the ground, which in itself is very humiliating to your Aunt, post lots! But most of all have the time of your life out there…what a fantastic life experience you are going to have! Love you loads xx

    1. We will absolutely be doing pictures again, and yours truly just bought herself a camera so there should be even more than there was last year! I’ll pass this on to Mom, and we shall do our best to avoid any bottom lip embarrassments. hehe. Love you too!!

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