Category Archives: Thoughts

The End of Limbo


I’m excited today.

I’m excited because life is full of possibilities. After more than a year of working and saving every penny possible, it is finally time for another adventure. Time to open a new doorway and once again venture into the unknown.

I’m not good at waiting, even when I know that whatever limbo I’m in is a temporary state of affairs. It’s hard to stay chipper; focusing on the mundane day-to-day tasks can become a bit of a drag. That being said, I wouldn’t trade this time in limbo for the world. Because during this time, where in my mind I was accomplishing hardly anything – I fell in love with a wonderful man. Continue reading The End of Limbo

Become the Solution


Recent events have lent fuel to the fires of racism, of hatred and fear. With such sustenance to feed upon, the darkest side of humanity begins to writhe up inside. The side that cries for self-preservation above all, the side that must point fingers and lay blame, the side that is willing to look at someone and judge them based on their appearance, the side that would be willing to hurt someone for nothing more than their differences…

I would beg my fellow humans to take a step back. Do not let that fear take control of the beautiful person I know you are. Continue reading Become the Solution

The Kettle Conundrum


Why a stove top kettle when electric ones are so much faster and cheaper?


This question had first been posed to me a few months ago, and when I took a moment to polish the kettle which had become a target for all the splatters that my well-used stove-top collects over time, I found myself revisiting the question.

Life has this way of packing every moment of each day full of things that we seem to have no choice but to do. Chores, responsibilities, work… they pile up and pile up, leaving us feeling like we’ve run out of time; that one resource that we never seem to have enough of. We spend our time, and often we feel as though we really have no choice in the manner of our spending. Our day starts and we allot two minutes to the brushing of teeth, ten minutes to the eating of breakfast, five minutes to staring aimlessly into our closet and fifteen minutes to a shower. We slice up, and block out our days into little segments, and when it’s all said and done we bemoan the way in which we were forced to chop it up and utilize the meager little slivers we are left with after the main responsibilities are taken care of Continue reading The Kettle Conundrum

Taking the time for…

Soul Maintenance

Every so often, the hands of time revolve and return me to a set of circumstances, to a state of being that I know so well, and yet manage to ignore far too often. I find myself inexplicably feeling empty, even though my life is full and I am happy. It’s not because of some fault in the world around me, but rather because I am neglecting something that is a part of who I am, and without it I begin to feel incomplete.

No matter how incredible life is, no matter how many crazy things I’ve done in a day, how many rainbows I’ve seen or waterfalls I’ve swam under, I need to sit down and just for a little while, reconnect with my soul. Continue reading Taking the time for…

An open letter to the one who dreams of seeing the world


My dear,

You won’t necessarily enjoy it, that abrupt jolt away from everything that is comfortable and familiar, some don’t. Being surrounded by a different culture, a different way of life, a different language. It might frighten you; even change you. Change is dangerous, unpredictable, addicting and thrilling.

That which you take for granted will no longer be the norm. The world you thought you knew will become tiny and insignificant in comparison to the one that you were truly born into.
If you like everything in your world to be familiar and orderly, it will shake it. Continue reading An open letter to the one who dreams of seeing the world

Am I wrong, because you’re right?


Your world is defined by that which you accept as truth. Whether it is the things you were taught in school, or by your parents; information gleaned through experiences or as is often the case, formed by the religions, belief systems and societies we grow up in.

Do you know your box? Do you know what it is made from? Do you know why you believe what you believe… and who you believe? How do you choose who and what is true? Continue reading Am I wrong, because you’re right?

April 1, 2014

acorn-56360_640Life is this nutty, crazy thing. I’m not sure it ever really starts to make more sense. Maybe it’s just me that is as confused as ever, and life is plodding on in its regular predictability wondering when I’m going to come to my senses!

Either way, the only thing I’m sure of is that I’m currently sitting cross-legged on my bed, staring out at an expanse of beautiful green. Or at least I think I am. So long as the reality I perceive is actually real and I’m not in some version of the Matrix, lying in a pod filled with goo and powering the mechanical bodies of an artificially intelligent life form with my bio-electrical energy.

Jeese man. How did I get so weird?

Maybe it’s because of my parents. Maybe I was born this way. Maybe I’ve always been like this and it has just taken 25 years of this particular reincarnation of myself to figure it out.

Figure what out? That I’m a nut? …

I couldn’t tell you what kind of nut. Maybe knowing everything would take half the pleasure out of life.

Anyone want to be nutty with me? Cause goodness knows, if you’re not, and you hang out with me long enough, or sit closely to me for any length of time… or read too much of my writing… you’ll probably catch what I’ve got. Nothing is more contagious than nuttiness.

I hope it’s sunny tomorrow. Roasted nuts always have the most flavour…