“In a distant future, Trevor “Lex” Alexander was shaping up to be the next great race pilot until a fixed race got him banned from the sport. Reduced to making freelance deliveries, he thinks his life can’t get any worse. That’s when a package manages to get him mixed up with mobsters, a megacorp, and a mad scientist. Now his life depends on learning what their plans are, and how he can stop them.”
I was suprised as all get out to discover that fantasy author Joseph Lallo was also publishing science fiction novels. Who would have thought! Since I enjoyed The Book of Deacon, I knew I had to give this one a try.
I’ve read very few indie science fiction novels, primarily because my standards for this genre are very high. You have to be able to make the ‘science’ aspect blend with the story well enough that the reader isn’t asking themselves whether or not your high-falutin’ technological idea is actually plausible. Lallo did a remarkably good job of pulling it off, I tip my metaphorical hat in his direction.
Now, in my mind it seems perfectly logical that “Han Solo” be the first name that pops in when smugglers are mentioned; don’t fret, I’m not about to make a comparison. Han Solo might just be one of my favorite sci-fi characters so I would never suggest anyone else could hold a candle to him… That being said, Lex was a fun, multi-layered character and I immensely enjoyed the humorous way he was portrayed.
The story was well written and had only a few minor errors in it that were relatively easy to bypass. I really enjoyed the mix of humor and creativity. It wasn’t at all what I expected, having read his other novels, but I honestly couldn’t tell you what I did expect.
At this point I feel I must mention; if you read this book and at some un-named part of it you find yourself cross-eyed, staring at your nose and giggling… please, for all that is good and holy in the world, return to this blog and LET ME KNOW. It would ease my mind a great deal knowing that I am not the only one that was affected in this particular manner. (Just writing this is a struggle, I’m resisting the urge to repeat the previously mentioned performance!)
If you like the thought of a book with humour, mad-scientists, weapons of mass destruction, action a-plenty and the possibility of involuntarily going cross-eyed for a brief moment; definitely go and read Bypass Gemini.
I look forward to getting my hands on the sequel, Unstable Prototypes!
You can find Bypass Gemini on Smashwords, Amazon, Kobo Books and Barnes & Noble.
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If it makes you feel better, I am seeing my nose WAY too much now! lol. Unstable Prototypes is fantastic so far :)
Haha, thank you so much. At least I know there is one other person similarly affected! ;) I’m about to start reading Unstable Prototypes, can’t wait!