“Cousins Amanda, Sophie, and Fanny Broadmoor are as close as sisters, but when their grandfather dies, the terms of his will just might destroy their bond. Seventeen-year-old Fanny has never put much stock in the conventions of society. In fact, she has given her heart to Michael, the family boat-keeper. But when she receives a surprising inheritance, she discovers just how oppressive society can be… and that she may be trusting the wrong people. Dare she follow her heart and risk going against her family? What if she loses everything she’s ever known? It all comes down to one choice: What does Fanny Broadmoor want her legacy to be”
I began this novel expecting a straight up historical romance, but I was pleasantly surprised. It focuses more on the life and society surrounding three cousins; the romance is part of it, but secondary to the main storyline.
It is a great read, full of historical imagery and fabulous characters. (And not so fabulous characters!) There is nothing explicit or inappropriate in the story. I would probably rate it around 16+.
There were very few mistakes in the story that I noticed, and they were small at that! Definitely a worthwhile read!
If you enjoy romance, historical fiction or any similar combinations; I would definitely recommend it!
The story doesn’t end with this book, it is the first in a series of three and both the sequels sound equally promising!
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